Etruscan Warriors - 28mm miniatures from Agema Miniatures
Created by Greg McBride
A range of 28mm metal and hard plastic Etruscan wargaming figures
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Next Steps
almost 4 years ago
– Sat, Mar 13, 2021 at 03:07:58 AM
Hi Guys,
Things have been moving apace with our Etruscan Campaign. Footsore are about to be paid for all the master and production moulding (quite a chunk of funds!!), and with the master moulds complete those production moulds should be underway soon! We have most of the backer surveys now complete - about 82% at last count. The numbers of additional items added to pledges has remained flat for the last couple of weeks, so I'm planning to lock all those pledges that have been completed so far and start charging cards from the beginning of April (you'll receive an automatic notification several days before any collection of funds is made).
For those of you who have not yet completed your surveys, don't panic! There is still time. We won't be locking all surveys / pledges until the end of May, although we will need to close off the Pledge Manager at that point in order to finalise pledges and start casting in earnest to meet the delivery timescale of July 2021.
In the meantime, the Pre-order store is now open for a limited period (today until end of May), for anyone that missed the original Campaign. The Pre-Order store won't allow late comers to take advantage of the KS exclusives (such as free figures) but it will allow any of your friends who missed out to have a second go at getting their hands on lots of Etruscan loveliness! If you know anyone that missed out first time round, please do forward them this link:
That's it for now guys - everyone stay safe and as always, any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to drop me a message or comment.
Surveys 3/4's Complete!
about 4 years ago
– Tue, Feb 02, 2021 at 07:27:08 AM
Hi Guys,
I thought I'd post an update and let you all know how things are progressing. We have now had 76% of you complete your BackerKit Surveys / access the Pledge Manager, which is a great take-up so quickly from Campaign close, thanks all! Almost all of you have added additional items, the most popular being the Shield Decals with an additional 66 packs of those being requested, with the Etruscan Axe-men coming in a close 2nd (54 packs of those guys added). I am most glad we added the Axe-men, and hugely grateful to Stavros for being able to sculpt them quickly enough for me to be able to add them to the Campaign. There very clearly is an appetite for them out there!
Hopefully for all of you that have accessed Pledge Manager, I've now been able to accommodate any and all changes or tweaks that you wanted for your pledges. If anybody still needs help tweaking their pledged items, please just let me know. More than happy to help :-)
The product SKU's have been sent to Footsore Minis (about a week ago now) meaning we have identified all the Production Moulds that need making - 25 new prod moulds all up. As Footsore have recently completed fulfilment of their Baron's War Kickstarter, we might be able to make a start on those moulds soon. But I will let you know as soon as we start pressing rubber :-)
For now, thanks again to all of you who have completed your Surveys / updated Pledge Manager, and I'll be in touch again soon with a further update once we start pressing moulds.
For now, stay safe and well, and speak again soon.
Mortal Gods Etruscan Roster
about 4 years ago
– Tue, Jan 19, 2021 at 01:15:50 AM
Hi All,
We've had quite a lot of questions from backers who like to play Mortal Gods, wanting to know what figures they might need to get to field a full Etruscan force in MG. As I've mentioned before, the Card Deck / Roster cards haven't been finalised as yet, but the following hopefully will help.
This is a spread sheet put together by the Footsore Team, which lists the troop types, numbers and abilities for Etruscans in MG. These are images taken from an Excel spreadsheet so I hope you can see them OK!
For those wondering what the missing words are on line 21 of Image 'MG Etruscan Roster 2', please read 'single model', as in '1 left revert to rules for single model'. I couldn't fit the whole of that line in to the image snip!
I hope that helps you guys?
MG Etruscan Roster 1
MG Etruscan Roster 2
Lost Surveys
about 4 years ago
– Fri, Jan 15, 2021 at 01:14:35 AM
Hi Guys,
Quite a few of you have been in touch saying that you haven't received your email survey invites. This is not unusual, as often there can be minor mis-types in address, firewalls are a bit sensitive, etc.
If you have not received your survey then, copy this link into your browser:
This will take you to a BackerKit sign-in page. Type in your email address and you will be able to request a new link to log-in to the Pledge Manager.
I hope that helps, but if anyone is still experiencing issues, as always drop me a message and let me know.
Snake Priest Added as 'Add-On'
about 4 years ago
– Thu, Jan 14, 2021 at 02:57:27 AM
Hi Guys,
I have now added the Snake Priest into the Add-Ons section, so you can now have multiple Snake Priest figures (if you pledged £75 or more) or, if not, you can now add him to the Pick And Mix or Fill the Ranks pledge levels.
Don't forget, the wings are separate, so you can have him in the full semi-Mythical Tuchulcha configuration as shown here, or without them.