Charging Cards for BackerKit / Pledge Manager
over 3 years ago
– Wed, May 19, 2021 at 03:27:36 PM
Hi Guys,
There was no preference expressed to my last update / email regarding dates to charge cards for BackerKit / Pledge Manager updates and Postage, so my plan is to charge cards 1 week from today (on the 26th May). The date is slightly before the end of the month to allow a day or two for potential declined cards and card details to be updated / sorted.
With hopefully all funds then collected, I will be paying Schieldschmie for 150 sets of transfers and Footsore for casting. All things being equal, I should be able to get all the casting sorted in June, ready to ship in July as planned. The only fly in that ointment at present is casting the Lembos / galley. It's a big beast and we've had a few issues with getting a silicone mould made for it that will fit into a pressure caster (the pressure caster we have, at any rate!). This means we may have to use a vacuum pump / cast instead. It shouldn't be a problem but I'll keep you posted on progress on this.
Charging Cards for Add-Ons and Postage
almost 4 years ago
– Thu, May 13, 2021 at 12:05:38 PM
Hi Guys,
Almost all Surveys are now complete and most Pledges have now been locked - I think there are currently only 2 surveys / Pledges still to be finalised (please get them done as soon as you can guys!) Therefore I'm aiming to charge cards at the end of May / beginning of June to allow me to pay Footsore for casting.
Now, I appreciate that some people prefer to make payments at the end of the month (May), and some at the beginning (June). I'm easy either way, but I'll be guided by you guys. Does anyone have a strong preference? I'll take the majority preference :-)
Thanks All!
Locking Orders
almost 4 years ago
– Sat, May 01, 2021 at 11:51:59 AM
Hi All,
I spoke with the team at Footsore on Friday, and they are very keen to get final pack counts sent to them as soon as possible such that they can start the process of casting figures ready for shipping. With over 100 backers and most of you ordering at least one of everything, there's a lot to get through and Mark and his team have to balance this with their own Kickstarter fulfilment and day to day figure sales.
So, given the above, and all responses I've received to date expressing no issues with surveys / pledges being locked, I will start the process Tuesday next week. You'll all be sent a reminder to make any last minute updates that you may wish (you'll have 48 hours to do this) and then all completed surveys will be locked automatically. Your cards will not be charges until the end of May.
Those of you that haven't completed your surveys or updated BackerKit / Pledge Manager will have until the end of May to do this, at which point along with charging all cards, the Pledge Manager will be closed.
This means I'll be able to get the majority of pack counts to Footsore by the end of next week (1st week of May) and we should then still be on schedule to fulfil by July.
I hope the above is OK with you all, but as always any specific issues any of you may have, please message me. We are getting close to completing the Etruscan project now and it's going to be exciting to see packs roll off the production line very soon!
April is nearly done...
almost 4 years ago
– Tue, Apr 27, 2021 at 07:06:34 AM
Hi All,
Following my recent update showing the additional shield transfer sheet, the Pledge Manager has settled right down into a steady state, with no changes to pledge values or items for at least 2 weeks now. We have only 13 Surveys outstanding as at today's date (91 of 104 completed), so the following is an open question - for those who have completed their surveys, do any of you have an objection to those surveys being locked / closed off, such that I can take a product count and get numbers to Footsore to hopefully bring some of the production schedule forward a bit?
If there are no objections, then I'll look to lock completed surveys in the first week of May, ready to take product / pack counts. If that does cause anyone an issue, please let me know and not a problem - I can wait until the originally planned close / lock date in late May.
For the 13 who have not yet completed your surveys / pledges, can I politely request these be completed as quickly as you are able? If we can close all pledges off and get the production schedules completed and sent to Footsore in the next few weeks, then we should be able to bring production and completion forward somewhat for you all. But let me know :-)
Take care all,
Additional Set of Decals Available!
almost 4 years ago
– Tue, Mar 30, 2021 at 03:19:38 AM
Hi All,
I know I said recently that I was aiming to lock the Pledge Manager for all those who have finished their surveys and pledge updates at the beginning of April, buuuut...well, I have a 2nd set of decals available! I wasn't expecting to get these guys done in time to add them to the Pledge Manager, but the stars and Gods have been aligned and they have happened faster than expected! So, if you'd like to add a second set of transfers to your pledges, or indeed swap one (or more) set of the original decals for one (or more) of the second, to increase variety, then please do!
I'll keep the Pledge Manager open for at least another 2-3 weeks in order to give you all an opportunity to add or swap decals as needed. These designs have all been extensively researched and I hope represent something different from the decals currently available in the market. The Agis of Athena, Winged Thunderbolt and of course, the Agema logo are all particular favourites of mine. I hope you enjoy them too.