Etruscan Warriors - 28mm miniatures from Agema Miniatures
Created by Greg McBride
A range of 28mm metal and hard plastic Etruscan wargaming figures
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Castings start to arrive!
over 3 years ago
– Mon, Jul 19, 2021 at 05:00:43 PM
Hi All,
This weekend saw a large batch of castings arrive from those lovely chaps over at Footsore! As you can see from the pictures, there were lots!! I spent most of the weekend sorting them into sets. I reckon I have about a 3rd of what's needed now, with more arriving this week.
I hope to have all figures within the next week to 10 days, and then sorted and packed. So I'm going to be a bit behind on my initial schedule - I don't think the bulk of orders will be out within July. But I hope some can be sent, with the majority going our early August.
I hope that won't cause too many of you too many issues, but as you can hopefully appreciate all supply chains have been stretched during this strange time and I'll do my best to catch up as quickly as is possible.
The Decals Made it!
over 3 years ago
– Sun, Jul 04, 2021 at 12:15:48 AM
Hi Guys,
After some trouble with delivery involving numerous re-directs and not an inconsiderable amount of dialogue with the Postal Service, the Shield Decals have finally made it to Agema HQ! 150 sheets of decals, making 1800 transfers in all. The laser cut Chariots for the Etruscan King have also arrived. Just waiting on the metal castings now! :-)
Stock is starting to arrive!
over 3 years ago
– Sun, Jun 27, 2021 at 11:33:28 AM
Hi Guys!
July is rapidly approaching, and stock is starting to arrive here at Agema. First through my garage doors are 1,000 sprues of plastic Romans, ready for the 'Fill the Ranks' pledge. The Shield Decals should also arrive sometime soon from Germany, although they appear currently to be struggling to traverse customs. Fingers crossed they don't encounter too many more issues!
As at the end of June, I'll be locking all addresses ready for the metal figures to arrive from Footsore and shipping to start in July. You should all receive a notification at the end of the month from Backerkit letting you all know that your address details are about to be locked (48 hours notice) - Please make sure your address details are all correct. Once locked, if your address is wrong, then your pledge might get held up / take longer to deliver, or worse!
I'm going to try and ship the larger US and Australian pledges first, as these will take the longest to arrive. Hopefully by doing so everyone will get their pledges as close together as possible.
So far then, so good in terms of timescales to complete the Campaign. I'll let you all know when the metal starts to arrive, and in the meantime, keep a look out for the 'Lock Address Details' email that will arrive end of June.
Boxes of Sprues!!
Enough Sprues to make 3,500 Roman Legionaries! :-)
Casting Underway!
over 3 years ago
– Sun, Jun 13, 2021 at 03:33:14 AM
Hi Guys,
Last Wednesday I took a drive up to Nottingham to see how the Footsore guys were getting on with the production of my Etruscan range. While the drive was exciting for many reasons (not least acute range anxiety in my new all electric car that almost brought me to grief!) it wasn't nearly as exciting as seeing some of the first casts emerging from the moulds.
You can hopefully see from the pictures the large area that is Footsore's production area; the stack of moulds for the Etruscan range, and finally, not the best picture I appreciate, but the first batch of Etruscan Axe-men to see the light of day. I needed to tidy up a few items on moulds and clarify for Paul and the team what figures go where and how many of each are needed, and the guys should now be getting in to the swing of casting.
Not long to go now! :-)
Footsore's Packing and Sorting Room
Production Moulds!
Initial casts - Etruscan Axe-men :-)
Cards to be Charged for Pledge Manager Tomorrow
over 3 years ago
– Tue, May 25, 2021 at 03:59:07 PM
Hi All,
Just a very brief reminder that now all Pledge Manager / BackerKit details have been locked, I'll be charging cards for additional items and postage tomorrow (26th May). Any issues as always please message me.
I'm off to Footsore on the 9th June to review the production moulds and make sure the team there have everything lined up and ready to go to start casting - update to follow (hopefully with pics!)